Payout Chart - Pay Per Click

Traffic Commission
Average Unique Click/FREE JOIN Ratio $$$ per Unique/s
less than 2 $2.00
2 - < 3 $1.00
3 - < 4 60 cents
4 - < 5 50 cents
5 - < 6 40 cents
6 - < 7 35 cents
7 - < 8 30 cents
8 - < 9 25 cents
9 - < 10 23 cents
10 - < 12 20 cents
12 - < 18 15 cents
18 - < 30 10 cents
30 - < 50 8 cents
Ratio Example
  • Example A: If you send 20 unique clicks average perday in any given calendar month of which 11 join, then the ratio = 1.8 (20 / 11). Since ratio is less than 2 the commission rate would be $2.00 per click, total = $40.00 (20 * $2.00).
  • Example B: If you send 262 unique clicks average perday in any given calendar month of which 35 join, then the ratio = 7.5 (262 / 35). Since ratio is less than 8 the commission rate would be $0.30 per click, total = $78.60 (262 * $0.30).
  • Note: Ratios are calculated on an average daily basis at the end of each calendar month.